We started our vacation on Saturday. We left the house at 6:30 am and we were off. We arrived in Indiana around 7 and went to dinner at Cracker Barrel for dinner. The girls were so well behaved. Then even went to sleep with no issues at the hotel.
The next day was a little tougher on them. We ended up having to stop more as they were just going stir crazy. Indiana had a few nice rest areas and even one with a park.
Before long we made it to my moms house. The girls jumped in her pool first thing with clothes on so we had to undress. They didn't mind since it was very hot. AFter a short visit, we finished our drive to my grandmas.
Monday: Lake Springfield and swimming and grandma and poppops pool
Tuesday: Visiting grandma and the cousins
Wednesday: We took the day easy. Visited some of my old friends and went to dinner with my dad. Very nice day.
Thursday; We drove to Texas. Girls did so good on the 13 hour car ride :)
Friday: Schlitterbaun Waterpark
Saturday: We had lunch with my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins family. It was great to see them again. Then we went to the Childrens Musuem in Downtown Austin.
Sunday: We made the long track back to Missouri.