We went home and I got the girls a snack and some milk and then they went down for a nap. At 2 I picked Donald up from work and we headed the hour to the dealership. Once there, we had to pick out a car to test drive. We immediately chose the Fiesta. The Fiesta was popular in the 70's but faded away. This year, Ford revamped it and it's the "new" car. I loved it, Donald loved and the payments were perfect. We traded in our Elantra and we thought we were good to go. However, I didn't realize that I forgot the title so I had to write a check for the trade in value of the Elantra and give it to them. They have a very large check. I'm going to bring in the title on Tuesday but now I have to get out of work. I have to be at work so we'll see what that is going to bring. Anyway, we got to bring our car home and it only took 6 hours. Heres some pics I took tonight.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
We went home and I got the girls a snack and some milk and then they went down for a nap. At 2 I picked Donald up from work and we headed the hour to the dealership. Once there, we had to pick out a car to test drive. We immediately chose the Fiesta. The Fiesta was popular in the 70's but faded away. This year, Ford revamped it and it's the "new" car. I loved it, Donald loved and the payments were perfect. We traded in our Elantra and we thought we were good to go. However, I didn't realize that I forgot the title so I had to write a check for the trade in value of the Elantra and give it to them. They have a very large check. I'm going to bring in the title on Tuesday but now I have to get out of work. I have to be at work so we'll see what that is going to bring. Anyway, we got to bring our car home and it only took 6 hours. Heres some pics I took tonight.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
So for 3-4 hours I won't know where she is. She's my baby and she will of just turned 3. Then came the irrational fear that once she turns 3 and her therapy stops, she won't get the help she needs and she will fall behind again. UGH
The good news is I talked to her Occupational Therapist today and she said she didn't think she'd need additional therapy. She said that even though she showed regression last week she showed a lot more progress this week. She also said that she may need the speech therapy but being that she's only had 2 sessions in over a month, she thought that maybe once they got more consistent with her sessions, she would be doing much better.
So we turned down the offer to continue therapy in the public school and will end Early Intervention therapies in July. I hope this was the right decision. I want Katie to have every advantage possible in life, not spend it fighting to keep up.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Ramblings ..
My friend called me this morning and told me she needed to try the "Retail Therapy" I'm always telling her to do. When Don came home from work, she was outside waiting for me. I didn't do too bad. I bought 2 shirts and 2 bras and some unmentionables :). She said she felt better so my job is done.
My diet isn't going so well. I try but I'm not very good about dieting in the winter. I am still working out and dancing with the kids but if you aren't eating right, it isn't going to happen. I'm going to try to be strict this week.
We were going to get our new car today but the snow put a damper on our plans but I called the sales guy and he said he will let us use todays special for next weekend. He said he had several different versions of the car we wanted, we just had to come and pick it out. I hope no one goes and gets it before us. Right now it's between a silver one or a red one. The packages are different so we'll see what we want. The car is the 4 door sedan Ford Fiesta. It is so cute haha.
~ A quick update on Katie and Early Intervention~
Katie has been getting OT for a few weeks now and has been improving but at her last appt she showed regression. During this last session, she laid on the floor face down and wouldn't move. She wouldn't follow any oral directions. I went in and tried to get her to at least get off the floor and she started crying in my arms. I told her I wanted her to play with Ms. Isabel and she ran from me across the room screaming. I left and the OT took her back to her room. She has another session this Wednesday so we are hoping she will start showing progress again.
Her speech therapist saw her once and became ill and had to go on disability so we have another therapist but after one meeting with her, she went on vacation for two weeks, so Katie has had 2 speech sessions in over a month. The therapist did say she would make up some of the missed session with her doing 2 a week. Since Katie doesn't have issues saying words, we are going to work on some sounds that she is missing but the sounds aren't really age appropriate. We are more concerned with her ability to process what she's being told. Also, the therapist notices that she sticks her bottom jaw out so she will be unable to make sounds like the "F" sound as long as she does that. She said we should talk to a dentist

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Spending the afternoon in bloggerville :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011
V Day and stuff :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Surgery Day

We got up at 4:30 am. I fell asleep sometime after midnight, yes I was anxious. Donald got up around 3 to check on the weather. Ice everywhere. We departed at 5:15 and had to be at the hospital at 6:15. We arrived a little after 6. Did I mention we were 1.5 miles away from the hospital? I'm so glad we decided to stay at the hotel. The girls checked in and registered. Katies surgery was at 7:15 and Karlys was at 8. Our times were delayed by an hour so we had to hang out in the play room. The girls had a blast. They were the only little ones. The other children were older and stayed in their rooms. I guess they didn't know the room contained a Wii and daddy and the girls had a great time.

Once everyone was done, we sat in the room and got dressed, watched the cartoons then went back to the playroom where we ran around like nothing happened.