Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's been a few since I last was here...

Things are still extremely stressful at work and I've been thinking and going over in my head that maybe my job is to stressful for IVF. I know I should ask for a leave but knowing my boss, she's laugh at me and tell me no. Then where would I be? I'm just going to have to hand it to God and let him do as he sees fit. That's the best thing to do. So. That's that.

I start my third IVF try in 13 days!!! I've got the birth control and the lurpon. I start the birth control tonight and the lupron on Oct 10th. Really excited for it to be underway.

Everything else is good. I've been sleepy a lot because I'm drained from work and I did a little babysitting and working overtime. I'm just tired. I'm tired right now and I just woke up. Saturday I plan on sleeping like a baby and not getting up until noon. Right. We'll see if that works, since I'm the kind of sleeper that if the sun is down, i'm down. When it comes up, I get up. I should change that.

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