Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Third Trimester!!!!!

The third trimester starts this week! Holy Cow where did the time go? According to the ticker at the top of this page I am 7 months!!!!! We have 10 weeks to go until our goal of 37w and 3d. Needless to say, my hubby and I never dreamed we'd make it this far. We have been truely blessed by God. Why we had to suffer infertility, I do not know. Why it took us so long to concieve, I do not know. Although the pain is still there, I'm proud of what I made it through. I'm proud that I was strong enough to overcome it and I know where the strength came from. So, although God didn't give me infertility, God didn't make me suffer, he gave me courage to go through and paved a way to the resources I needed to have a baby (babies) and I am blessed. Praise the Good Lord Almighty!!


Anonymous said...

Time really is flying!!
Congrats on making it this far, I'll be praying for your next 10 weeks to be smooth sailing!

Cibele said...

Happy third trimester!!! hor exciting. Enjoy every moment. May God keep blessing your pregnancy and He ahs done so far.

kjames106 said...

Amen. Praise God!