Wednesday, April 27, 2011
6 pounds in two days??
This is what I had today:
Breakfast: Small whole wheat roll w/ peanut butter and sugar free jelly
Snack: 1/2 a grapefruit
Lunch: Large salad with ranch dressing w/ tuna mixed in
Snack: 5oz cup of fat free greek yogurt
Dinner: Cheeseburger w no bread and fries.
Snack: Yogurt and fruit (usually around 830)
After eating, we took an hour walk the ended up at the park for some play time. The girls were worn out.
Hoping this continues. I bought some of those Omega-3 MultiGrain elbow noodles and mixed them with some ground beef, onions and a light tomato soup for lunch tomorrow. I took a sneak bite and it was so good. I even got Donald to try it and he's going to have some for lunch tomorrow. Yay :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
This week is National Infertility Awareness Week ..
Tonight the girls, Don and I sat down to make silly hats for "Silly Hat Day" tomorrow. April is "Month of the Young Child" and this is the week we are celebrating the Young Child. Today was Silly Sock Day. Sock day, although cute, is usually the one everyone forgets because it's Monday. The girls remembered and got to wear the funniest socks. We had them pulled up over their pants so they could show them off. It was cute.
Lately I haven't been feeling well. Irritable, exhausted, feelings of uneasiness...
I weighed myself and saw I gained 4 pounds in just 3 days. I hadn't been anything out of the ordinary. I realized that I feel awful after I eat or drink anything that has a lot of sugar or anything high in carbs. I started worrying that I had diabetes.
I was told I have PCOS w/ Insulin resistance. That was part of my infertility. I've known it for years but never really researched it. I figured I knew enough. I started googling because I never gave it any thought but the insulin resistance is AKA Metabolic Syndrome and it described everything I've been feeling and the complications are scary. Heart Disease!! Diabetes! It's basically a short circuiting of your endocrine system. I had Donald pick up a blood sugar meter. I checked it at bedtime-94, fasting-98 and after eating a complete meal-112. I'm relieved to know as of now my sugar is in check but it was a wake up. I have go to do more to get this weight off.
I feel it's impossible. I do. I can't really eat anything. I can have salad. Tuna w/ no bread. Nothing with sugar, white flour or carbs. OYE!! It would be easier if I concentrated on what I can have. Fruits and veggies. Lots of them. No soda, not that I'm a big soda drinker now, but really no soda and the yoplait I eat every day has 33g of sugar so I'll be getting rid of those. I still have a small goal of 30 pounds, although I still need to lose the 42 I gained while pregnant and about 60 I gained since I've met Donald. So we'll start with 30 and see if I can accomplish that.
Wow this was a winded entry :)
Vacation is coming so soon. We are very excited to just get away as a family.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Easter Pics :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A fun Saturday :)

It's the weekend again and of course, it's raining.
What to do on a rainy weekend?
First, we made breakfast as a family. The girls whisked (spelling?) the eggs and buttered to toast. Daddy cooked the eggs and mommy held down the fort. We ate and then got ready.
We headed to the Library to return our books and get more. We stayed for signing time (they teach a few bits of sign language before story time) and some of the story. Mr Tree started reading the story and they freaked out a bit. It's a big tree that talks.
We went to LakeShore Teachers Store and did arts and crafts. We planted a sunflower and decorated a reusable bag. The theme being Care for the Earth and Recycle, Reduce, Reuse.
After that we went to lunch. We decided on a special treat, KFC. The girls LOVE the mac n cheese but we don't let them have it very often because they won't eat anything else.
Then we went home and the girls knocked out. I decided to nap as well. We got up at 330 and headed out to get some groceries.
At 5, we went to a friends house for dinner. We made french bread pizzas and ordered wings. The girls got to play with 3 other children. They played dress up, ate chocolate cake, ran wild and watched Toy Story.
It took them about 5 seconds to fall asleep tonight. It was a great Saturday :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
A beautiful Saturday :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
It's the weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Yoplait Greek and a Dr. Pepper :)
- 1/2 Grapefruit and Smart Ones breakfast sandwhich
- Yoplait Greek
- 3 small pork tacos w/ sour cream and cheese.. (YUMM!) , some tortilla chips and salsa and a grapefruit IZZE
- Small bowl of spaghetti, two small meatballs
- Yoplait Greek and Dr. Pepper
Okay so today I ate like crap but it was portion controlled so I hope it didn't hurt my diet that much.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My thoughts today...
2. My mom told me today that she has Parkinson's Disease.
She told me on facebook. I know she's saying it's no big deal but isn't this a phone call kind of thing? She told me in chat that my grandpa had lung cancer and he was going to die. I'm beginning to think she just doesn't like telling me bad news in person but still.....
3. There is stupid drama at work.
I was supposed to train a woman today. She's promising. She wants to be a child advocate. She's been working in the same room my girls are in. The things she was asking me .. "Do we put children in time-out when they won't sit and watch tv?" "They keep putting this one boy in time-out and making him sit there all day" etc... okkkayyy I told my boss about the questions as I can't act because my girls are in the class. She said we'll discuss it tomorrow. My assistant went to work in the room today for awhle and came back and said she didn't want to work in the room again. The children had to sit in time out everytime they breathe wrong :( oh boy .. I'm annoyed because I was informed my girls had to sit in time out several times because they refused to watch tv. Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?! I think the problem is inexperience. Who knows though :(
4. Katherine won't eat and the therapist says she thinks Katie may have some sort of processing disorder. Not visual, more auditory.
Katherine won't eat. No fever, not acting differently, she just won't eat. She ate a few bites of cereal and some milk, no lunch and no dinner. Just a few grapes and half of my yogurt. I know thats eating something but Katies not my chunky monkey because she eats a little bit, this girl can eat. I went to check on her tonight and she's soaked in sweat. I know she didnt' have a fever, because I checked.
Her therapist thinks she has a processing delay. You can't fix it. If she does, it can't be diagnosed until she's older, we will have to make sure she has an occupational therapist as she attends school. Until then they are going to continue working on her Auditory Processing and we are supposed to let her carry heavy things around the house :)
5. I gained a pound while dieting!!!!
I hate hate hate PCOS!!!! This has a to be the most frustrating thing ever. I can't stand that no matter what I do, I can't lose anything! UGH!!!
6. Vacation planning is driving me crazy. My mom has all of these crazy plans for me for vacation. It's not like they are big deals or anything, it's all simple stuff but I just get exhausted thinking about it lol. We are going to MO for a week, driving to TX for a few days, then back to MO. She wants to have a babyshower for my sister and go to the fair, and take me out for my birthday and take the girls to chuck e cheese for their birthday lol sounds fun! 7. I want to take the kids to the Zoo next Weekend so I need the weather to cooperate. This weather is driving me BSC! It's warm then cold then sunny then cold and rainy then snowy then warm then snowy then rainy! UGH. I really want to take them next weekend because Donald will be home all weekend :) Those are my thoughts for today :) And to start my food journal, today I ate (keep in mind I found out I gained a pound this morning so I wasn't as good as i should of been)- Green tea frap with skim and no whip and a ham, egg and cheese sand
- Plain cheeseburger and a Yoplait greek
- london broil, mixed veggies, noodles
- tsp of peanut butter and milk for desert
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A spring day :)
Karly stopped to pose for a picture with her daddy. Katie refused. She didn't like the bell. It's an old Fire Bell from a long, long time ago :) (hows that for history lol)

Karly trying hard to be cute :) okay okay so being cute isn't that difficult for her.

Walking into the park. This park is named "Hamilton Park". This is the historic site where Burr and Hamilton had the fatal duel that ended Hamiltons life. The rock he died on is a few blocks down, fenced in as well as a bust of Hamilton.