Wednesday, July 2, 2008

36 weeks 3 day check up!

Both girls are doing great!
  • A weighs 6 pounds 1 ounce
  • B weighs 5 pounds 11 ounces
  • They scored an 8 during the BPP

We have to go back twice next week to make sure they are still doing well.

Next week is my last week being pregnant. It makes me kind of sad.

Tomorrow I visit the OB and see if they think I'll make it 11 more days :). I'm kind of hoping now. How cool would it be if I gave birth in my 39th week? (okay so it would only be 1 day into my 39th week but how cool, right?)

Last night I got no sleep. First, they played grab the bladder. Everytime they hit it, it felt like splinters rushing out. I would have to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes for 2 hours! Then it was lets kick mommy in the ribs, lungs, whatever we can. Once they settled down, they got the adorable hiccups. At the same time! One felt like she was banging my tailbone every few seconds and the other was coming out the side of my stomach. I think I eventually passed out around 3 am and was up at 8. I'm exhausted. Goodnight all :).....11 more days.... I can do it..right?


T-Mommy said...

Wow, you must consider yourself very fortunate for having made it this far, it is awesome!!!

Each day that those little girls are still inside your tummy makes a huge difference for them, so keep on the good work mommy! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That sounds so cute and painful at the same time! You are amazing for being able to do this!